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Contents: November 2001 edition

17 Jun 2002

Modern views from an ancient land

When Costas Fotakis helped to set up Crete's Institute for Electronic Structure and Lasers in 1983, Greek optics was starting from scratch. Michael Hatcher finds out how the institute has moved on.

Toptica tailors diodes for science and industry

Since emerging from parent company TuiLaser in 1998, Toptica Photonics has grown from a tiny start-up to a firm with 45 employees. Michael Hatcher visited Munich to discover how the company has always stayed in the black.

Ytterbium challenges neodymium monopoly

Since the birth of the laser, neodymium has dominated solid-state lasing media. Now, however, the superior properties of its chemical neighbour are making ytterbium an attractive alternative. Rob van den Berg investigates.

Sensor industry learns lessons from telecoms

The telecoms industry has invested heavily in integrated optics and waveguide technology. Now the sensing industry is set to reap the benefits. Nadya Anscombe reports on a novel sensor based on integrated optics.

Infrared devices lead gas-sensors market

The gas-sensors market incorporates many technologies, but only infrared gas sensors are showing notable growth. Nadya Anscombe reports on how this has been driven by demand from the oil, gas and chemical industries. News This month
Technology applications
Calendar/Advertisers' Index

Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, Geraldine Pounsford by e-mail on geraldine.pounsford@iop.org

Photon Lines LtdHyperion OpticsHamamatsu Photonics Europe GmbHESPROS Photonics AGJADAKUniversal Photonics, Inc.Omicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
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