daily coverage of the optics & photonics industry and the markets that it serves
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22 May 24
EV delays hit Hesai's 2024 sales forecast

Chinese lidar company cuts annual revenue expectations by around $50M as customer Li Auto delays launch.

22 May 24
On-chip detection of white cells points to cost-effective blood analysis

Imec and Sarcura develop flow cytometer with integrated photonics.

21 May 24
KTH Sweden develops 3D printed silica glass micro-optics on fibers…

…and UK’s EPSRC awards £1.2 million grant to Aston’s Picometer Surface Nanoscale Axial Photonics project.

21 May 24
NASA astrophysics: Peering into the future

John O’Meara of W. M. Keck Observatory discusses astrophysics at NASA ahead of his presentation at SPIE Astronomical Telescopes + Instrumentation 2024.

21 May 24
Semiconductor demand drives double-digit growth at Zeiss

Sales revenues up another 10%, despite what CEO called a challenging market environment.

21 May 24
Photoacoustic method monitors spinal muscular atrophy

University of Erlangen-Nuremberg technique yields more details than MRI, is more comfortable for pediatric patients.

20 May 24
Toronto research finds 21 new sources for organic solid-state lasers...

...while Toptica launches FemtoFiber ultra series for multi-photon microscopy, and lithography.

17 May 24
Photonics21 AGM: Light-based business beats global trends

Despite geopolitical challenges significantly affecting international trade.

17 May 24
IPG Photonics launches ‘cobot’ laser welding and cleaning system

Based on LightWELD fiber laser; targeting fabrication and manufacturing industries.

16 May 24
N Carolina State improves finishing of 3D-printed metal parts

Method based on integrated 3D printing, automated machining, and laser scanning.

15 May 24
Aston University develops lidar for crop monitoring

Funding from UK Royal Society will support improved polarimetric lidar platform.

15 May 24
Job cuts at Luminar as lidar firms look to conserve cash

Latest round of quarterly financial results highlight efforts to reduce cash burn and sensors hitting the road.

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