Collaboration between European Southern Observatory and Breakthrough Initiatives begins search for Earth-like planets in the cosmic backyard.
UK’s Royal Academy of Engineering includes the Glasgow laser firm as one of four finalists competing for its innovation prize.
'SPHERE' instrument at Paranal Observatory in Chile captured rapid fly-by of double asteroid last month.
Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) facility in Hungary switches on ‘Sylos 2A’ femtosecond source in ceremony with Gérard Mourou.
On 16 May 2019, more than 300 events are scheduled to take place in 60 countries worldwide.
8.4 m-diameter optical component combines primary and tertiary mirror functions for Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.
Glass manufacturer introduces 300 mm-diameter wafer format that should help reduce cost of high-performance augmented reality glasses.
June event in Munich will feature presentation by Anton Zeilinger alongside application panels and numerous exhibitors offering quantum expertise.
Elon Musk dismisses lidar technology as 'lame' at electric car maker’s autonomy event specially arranged for investors.
...and publishes strategic paper Photonics in Scotland: A Vision for 2030, with aim of trebling its "billion pound" value.
Camera giant FLIR uses Baltimore expo to showcase latest generation of thermal kit designed for auto-safety systems.
A quarter of women who responded to study jointly commissioned by SPIE and OSA reported harassment at meetings.
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