SPIE review of quantitative photoacoustic tomography highlights current challenges being tackled.
20 award recipients represent a wide range of achievements across light-based sciences and technologies.
UK awards £2.2M grant to six universities to research ‘flat’ fiber for new composites.
Society is welcoming 47 new Fellow Members from across the globe.
Laser light sheet and SLR camera scan the air to map lanes where snow is glistening.
…and AI method identifies new way to spot dislocations in polycrystalline materials.
Annual Quantum Optics and Photonics funding supports research at historically Black colleges and universities.
…and James Webb telescope releases new view of “rings of Uranus”.
Albany Nanotech Complex will be first US publicly-owned high NA EUV lithography center.
…and RTX to track UK space assets with Low Earth Orbit observation system.
Lawrence Livermore, Rochester, and Colorado teams share $42M award to push for inertial fusion energy.
Founding dean of eponymous James C. Wyant College of Optical Sciences passed away on December 8th.
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