BiOS keynote shows power of two-photon and functional MRI combination.
Optical atomic clocks are "more stable and more accurate" than current time-setting standard cesium clocks.
Femtosecond laser 'lentotomy' could become future treatment for the age-related condition that affects close-up vision.
Holographic imaging pioneer to work with academic, healthcare partners on training and surgical support systems.
Solar film pioneer says it is well on the way towards achieving 15% efficient organic solar cells.
European project achieves lensless imaging of human body interiors through thin optical fibers.
Alternating laser between right and left circular polarization will generate brighter beacons for adaptive optics, researchers say.
Self-reconfiguring “BVT” expected to be a crucial part of flexible, optimized networks to handle booming data.
Researchers at CUDOS, Australia, excited by the unexpected discovery of 'pure-quartic' wave in a silicon photonics chip.
$3M research project revolves around principal investigators in Tucson, Dublin and Belfast.
Lawrence Livermore, developing HAPLS system for ELI Beamlines, reports power breakthrough - two months early.
FBH Berlin involved in projects using diode lasers to investigate relativity.
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