Surrey Satellite Technology agrees deal to build 1.5-kilo laser flight terminals for low-cost space communications.
To be based at Munich's Ludwig Bölkow Campus, pilot plant focused on 3D-printed parts for space apps.
A tamper-proof hologram is being developed that could replace serial numbers and barcodes, reducing the trade in counterfeit goods.
MIT system built largely from off-the-shelf parts is designed to work efficiently in daylight.
MIT group led by Peter So develops optical technique to reduce complications from misplaced anesthetic delivery.
Commercialization of 'HeartLight' system being finalized after successful 350-patient trial.
Component-maker Premium Aerotec installs laser AM systems from Concept Laser.
Mapping neuron activity in live animals is a key step for researchers, but now industry needs to play its part.
Based on the scale of exhibits and attendance, the optical communications sector is on the up.
As the giant optical comms expo, OFC, wraps up in Anaheim, CA, reviews some of the new silicon photonics developments.
Technology advances, acquisitions, and bulk applications have made the sector a focus of activity, says Barco's Bill Beck.
Michigan and EOS partner to additively-manufacture trachea from polymer. Other implants now in development.
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