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03 Jul 12
Laser ablation sheds light on ancient diet

Results show an African-dwelling hominin preferred harder foods than those eaten by other human ancestors.

03 Jul 12
US distribution deal for spectral blood sensor

PSS World Medical to market Masimo’s latest multi-wavelength spot-checker for hemoglobin, pulse rate and perfusion index.

26 Jun 12
Laser inspection reveals ice in moon crater

Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter’s laser scanner suggests 22% of matter on floor of Shackleton crater could be frozen water.

26 Jun 12
New guide star laser debuts at SPIE astronomy event

Apparatus could help observatory one day “find another Earth” – Toptica.

25 Jun 12
Imaging improves reliability of electrical substations

Power utilities can remotely monitor impending equipment failures and security breaches by using thermal imaging cameras, automation software.

25 Jun 12
Organic PV: can UK start-ups carve out a niche?

Despite a volatile market and the high-profile bankruptcy of Konarka Technologies, two UK firms see a future in organic photovoltaics.

21 Jun 12
Laser shows promise in heart surgery trials

Procedure for treating chronic atrial fibrillation, a condition that causes palpitations and fainting, features a laser balloon catheter.

20 Jun 12
LED street lights could cut energy use by 85%

Trials in 12 cities worldwide suggest lower power cost, improved visibility, safer citizens.

19 Jun 12
Femtosecond laser cataract system nears launch

Developer LensAR says that final preparations for a US launch are under way, following latest regulatory clearance.

14 Jun 12
Raman spectra reveal blood of the Iceman

Examination of tissues drawn from Otzi gives an insight into blood cell degradation over fifty centuries.

13 Jun 12
Lidar controls and optimizes wind turbine

“World first” claimed for nacelle-mounted system that measures wind, optimizes performance.

06 Jun 12
Lasers put mass on old bones

Lidar scanning of the skeleton followed by volumetric modeling gives a new estimate of the mass of a famous dinosaur.

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