17 Jun 2002
Key laser physicist is asked to take the position of science and technology policy advisor.
The US president George W Bush has selected laser physicist and director of US-based Brookhaven National Laboratory John Marburger to be his science advisor.
"President Bush has announced his intention to nominate me to the position of Assistant to the President for Science and Technology," said Marburger in a news statement for Brookhaven. "I would be delighted to be nominated and expect to have time for an orderly transition of leadership at the laboratory."
Marburger also says that Peter Paul, his deputy at Brookhaven, would "provide continuity" at Brookhaven during his move, but was keen to emphasize that the Senate had not yet confirmed his appointment.
"As eager as I am to learn the opinions of my colleagues and discuss my ideas of what might be done from the [Senate's] position," he said, "I must respect the integrity of the confirmation process."
· Also recently announced are the US Department of Defense plans to spend USD 7 billion on the Ballistic Missile Defense Organization program. The program aims to build effective missile defenses and will include airborne and space-based laser research.
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