17 Jun 2002
Wilson Sibbett, the father of femtosecond lasers, talks to Jacqueline Hewett about his quest to generate ultrashort light pulses and put them to good use.
Exitech makes its mark in materials processing
Expertise in drilling microscopic holes and patterning thin films is creating business opportunities for a UK laser firm, discovers Vanessa Spedding.
Optical communications systems can now transmit terabits of information per second. Oliver Graydon reveals the technologies that are making it possible.
Free-space data links: time for a reality check
With no sign of an end to the telecoms downturn, the low installation costs of free-space optical links are looking attractive. Michael Hatcher finds the industry playing down long-range links and focusing on reliability.
POF market hindered by lack of cheap interfaces
A shortage of standards and low-cost interfaces may undermine the market for data-links made from plastic optical fibre, reports Lisa van Beurden.
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