17 Jun 2002
Multiplexing ultrafast pulses in time improves the resolution of parallelized real-time three-dimensional microscopy. Michael Hatcher reports.
Side-stepping the wavelength barrier
New equipment for building silicon chips will soon be available, but problems with the optics and laser systems still exist. Nick Flaherty investigates.
Photonics finds a natural solution
After 30 years of research, bacteriorhodopsin is to feature in commercial applications. Michael Hatcher charts its progress from marsh to satellite memory.
Hybrid source allows plastic-fibre use
A high-brightness LED that has a structure that resembles a VCSEL promises to enable plastic-optical-fibre communication. Nadya Anscombe reports.
Optical MEMs: the future of all-optical networks
The field of optical micro-electromechanical systems promises to take a key role in telecoms networks. Phillip Hill looks at Europe's strengths in this sector.
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