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Contents: February 2008 edition

15 Feb 2008

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TECHNOLOGY TUTORIAL Ultrafast fibre lasers offer flexible solutions

One of today's most active research areas is exploiting ultrafast fibre lasers that produce picosecond or femtosecond pulses. Frank Lison and Thomas Renner of TOPTICA provide a back-to-basics look at the technology and review the emerging applications that could benefit.


Patent protection essential for success in optoelectronics

Companies should consider the patent issues before lanching a new product, although not all of them do. Tim Hayes asks patent attorey Anna Molony to explain the steps that they should take.


Ireland's optoelectronics growth shows enterprise

Ireland's economic growth was dramatic enough to earn the country the nickname of the Celtic Tiger and the photonics industry has played a strong role in this expansion. Tim Hayes went to Cork to see the innovations and technical developments that are being made there.


Metamaterials present exciting new challenges

This month's topic is the promising field of metamaterials. Marie Freebody speaks to John Pendry about potential new developments and the hurdles that stand in the way.


Fibre sensor secures optical networks and pipelines

A fibre-optic acoustic sensor that can detect a person up to 10 m away could soon be deployed in many demanding security applications. Jacqueline Hetwett talks to David Hill at QinetiQ to find out just how sensitive OptaSense is.

Sacher Lasertechnik GmbHHamamatsu Photonics Europe GmbHBerkeley Nucleonics CorporationIridian Spectral TechnologiesCHROMA TECHNOLOGY CORP.Photon Lines LtdOmicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbH
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