29 Nov 2006
On the back of strong sales in Europe, wave division multiplexing technologies are booming, says analyst Dell'Oro.
Sales of wave division multiplexing (WDM) equipment continued to grow during 2006, reaching almost $900 million in the third quarter. Growth has been in part due to especially strong European third quarter sales that increased 40% year on year. The results are drawn from a newly-published report by telecoms industry and market analyst Dell'Oro Group.
"Service providers are focused on delivering new services, such as broadband and video to the residential market and Ethernet services to the enterprise market," said Shin Umeda, VP Optical Transport research at Dell'Oro Group.
"As a result of this global trend, we have noticed increasing interest in WDM systems equipped with re-configurable optical add/drop multiplexers or ROADMs. Service providers see ROADM technologies as a way to scale their networks and improve service delivery," he added.
Dell'Oro Group's Optical Transport Quarterly Report covers this market with tables covering manufacturers' revenue, average selling prices, and unit shipments. It also tracks DWDM long haul terrestrial, WDM metro, SONET/SDH ADM, SONET/SDH Multiservice, and optical switch equipment. For further information or to purchase the report, call +1 650 622 9400 x225 or email karen@delloro.com.
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