04 Jan 2021 CRYLINK’s 785 nm laser includes 785 nm Optical fiber output accurate wavelength laser system of AWM series,785 nm Optical fiber output accurate wavelength laser module of AWO series,785nm Narrow linewidth laser system of NLM series,785 nm Single mode narrow linewidth laser module of NLS series,785 nm Stable wavelength semiconductor laser,785 nm Narrow linewidth semiconductor laser module,785 nm Dual wavelength and narrow linewidth packaging module of DWM series,785 nm Dual wavelength narrow linewidth laser system of NLDM series,785 nm Multimode narrow linewidth laser module of NLO series,They are used in Flow cytometry,Confocal microscopy,Fluorescence excitation,Granularity measurement,Super-resolution microscopyand, Up-conversion material, Laser particle size analyzer, Sensing,Biological analysis and other fields.