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Laser testing and certification by a UKAS approved laser test house

11 Mar 2016

In case you need to prove to the “laser police” that your laser is safely controlled and correctly classified who are you going to call? You may need independent verification and testing of your laser. Lasermet can provide the laser testing as a UKAS accredited test house. However, there are also other safety related issues that should be addressed…

Lasermet can provide an audit and report as well as make recommendations that will ensure your lab is correctly engineered to comply with the laser safety standards BS EN IEC 60825-1.  Risk assessments are carried out that can provide peace of mind that you have conformed to the Health and Safety requirements which dictate that you use the above laser safety standards.

With the advent of more powerful low cost lasers becoming available worldwide – especially if they have not been tested by a UKAS laser test house – it is ever more important that all lasers are correctly classified and have the appropriate levels of safety applied to them – the laser hazard analysis.  Required laser safety systems include protective laser curtains, screens and roller blinds up to laser shutters and interlock control systems conforming to ISO 13849-1 Performance Level ‘e’. Certified laser guarding systems range from modular, optical table guards – certified to IEC 60825-4 - to large modular, rapid-build cabins “Laser Castle” with options to upgrade to the “Laser Jailer” active laser guarding system – proven to prevent the escape of laser radiation of 20kW.

Installing the correct, conforming, certified laser safety systems and equipment ensures appropriate engineering controls have been fitted to ensure the safety of personnel in the vicinity; the remaining factors include operational and procedural ones such as laser safety training and the effective prevention of unauthorised access to a lab or unauthorised use of a laser. This is normally under the control of the appointed, appropriately trained, laser safety office (LSO).

Where you need external verification of the expertise or procedures, or of the laser safety engineered solutions and equipment you have in place, Lasermet can provide the services of an audit and can provide you with the knowledge and recommendations.

Nobody wants anyone to be the victim of a laser incident, and nor to get “burned” by the “laser police” for non-conformance.  Make sure you could not be found to be negligent if the worst happened. If you are responsible for the safety, and the prevention of injury to personnel under your control contact Lasermet and get serious with laser safety – it’s all part of Health and Safety anyway.

Lasermet also deliver a Laser Safety Workshop at the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) on 21st April and 29th September 2016 – ideal for training LSO’s and for anyone else involved with lasers.


Lasermet Ltd
Lasermet House
137 Hankinson Road
United Kingdom
Tel: 01202 770 740
Fax: 01202 770730
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