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Gauss-to-Top Hat Beam Shaping Lens

06 Sep 2010

EKSMA OPTICS introduces Gauss-to-Top Hat beam shaping lens that redistributes energy of Gaussian beam to a Top Hat beam profile. If a collimated Gaussian beam is used the Top Hat beam shaping lens delivers at the working distance d=250 mm a square Top Hat beam profile with the size of 4x4 mm2. Beam diameter at beam shaper lens plane must be 5mm@1/e2. The beam shaping lens also works for divergent and convergent Gaussian beams. For divergent (or convergent) beams the size of Top Hat and working distance increase (or decrease).

In order to change the working distance and the size of the Top Hat additional spherical lens should be used. The size larger than 4x4 mm2 of Top Hat profile and working distance >250 mm can be obtained using concave lens and size smaller than 4x4 mm2 of Top Hat profile and working distance <250 mm can be achieved using convex lens.

By introducing an additional cylindrical lens behind the Top Hat beam shaper lens it‘s possible to generate a line profile at working plane. Along the long axis the intensity profile is homogeneous. Along short axis, which is focused by cylindrical lens, the profile is near Gaussian.

Gauss-to-Top Hat beam shaping lens are available uncoated and with broad band anti-reflection coatings at VIS range 400-700nm (R<1% per face) or at IR range 700-1300nm (R<1% per face). The other specific laser wavelengths are available under request.

EKSMA Optics
Dvarcioniu st. 2B
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