Improved positioning of QDs on photonic chips brings new quantum applications within reach.
Recycling sector increasingly relying on LIBS to spot reusable raw materials.
…and imec presents compact 32-channel silicon photonics-based wavelength filter.
University of the Basque Country project assists control of cannabis production.
Communications hot topics include 800G, OpenZR+ optics, boosting energy-efficiency, and quantum networking.
Fraunhofer platform adding AI-assisted sorting process to commercial microscopes is released.
Bandwidth of 450 MHz and rate of 3GB/sec; more than 2x previous levels set in 2020.
Improvements to STED platform combine spatial and fluorescence lifetime information for fuller picture of cell dynamics.
New approach relating glucose to spectral response of hemoglobin could lead to improved diabetes monitoring.
Add-on module allows cheaper 3D super-resolution imaging of cells, organoids and embryos.
Holes can be drilled in carbon-reinforced plastics and other composite materials.
Deployment with network operator Orange shows that quantum keys are compatible with 400 Gb/s channel speeds.
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