6 kW fiber lasers power industrial sales growth; Nutronics acquisition boosts defense side.
Laser firm reports strong momentum in displays and research sectors; to acquire EOT for directed energy weapons components.
Pre-tax earnings rise at what is now one of the world’s largest optics and photonics companies.
Boom in 3D sensing technology in latest quarter offset by 5G push-outs and weak demand for industrial lasers.
Fiber laser company is aiming to release a variety of potentially disruptive products within the next year.
Diversified industrial group sees continued strength in semiconductor and microelectronics manufacturing segments.
Plan to industrialize long-range 1550 nm sensor technology for automotive use, with series production slated for 2024.
German photonics giant reduces annual sales expectations down by a further €40M.
One of the pioneers of the solid-state lighting revolution focuses elsewhere as sales and margins shrink.
Industrial laser and machine tool firm boosted by strong demand in EUV tools as business drops sharply elsewhere.
Lithography leader set to sell slightly fewer EUV tools than expected this year, but sees more growth in 2021.
Three-year sales agreement for the Chinese tech giant’s ‘Apollo’ development program in autonomous vehicles.
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