Laser-based system checks critical vehicle specs like wheel alignment – as business accelerates.
Laser giant says ‘Trumpf Venture’ will aim to back around five start-up companies every year.
Positive revision follows substantial, increased demands from datacenter connectivity sector.
Ahead of Vision 2016, German MV sector sees 9% uptick in worldwide business.
Cost-reduction strategy bearing fruit as London-listed firm posts net profit for the first half of the year.
Germany-based selective laser melting equipment specialist set to become a part of GE Aviation.
German test firm awarded grant by partnership of ERDF and Schleswig-Holstein; company also appoints second MD.
As unit prices for LED lamps fall, revenue will also decline from 2019, says IHS Markit. Also: Nichia leading LED sector sales.
Delphi and Samsung among the investors taking part in $90M venture round, a week after rival lidar developer Velodyne raised $150M.
Market pull, diverse range of products and innovation boost 3D laser printing company’s performance.
Investment to support its "System on Glass" transceivers destined for the booming data center market.
Huge financing from Ford and Chinese search engine giant Baidu will accelerate mass production of lidar sensors for autonomous vehicles.
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