Resolv4K® Zoom & Fixed Large FOV Imaging Lenses | |
10 Feb 2023
The Resolv4K® Lens Series was designed to maximize the usage of modern sensors with higher pixel densities. With superior visible wavelength axial color correction, the Resolv offers increased wavelength focusing ability with Vis-NIR and SWIR options.
Higher Resolution Resolv4K’s higher NA, along with its superior aberration correction, gives more precise measurement capabilities than ever. Even comparing a 4.5X zoom point to a 7X mag system, the exceptional quality of the Resolv4K design delivers superior performance. System performance holds up all the way to the corner of the sensor, so multiple regions of interest can be set regardless of their location in your FOV. Your edge detection software will notice the difference. Expanded Wavelengths The Resolv4K lens series comes in visible, Vis-NIR and SWIR coating options. The visible options produce superior axial color correction to existing zoom lenses. The Vis-NIR option allows precision surface inspection in the deep blue, while performing sub-surface inspection at 1100nm without refocusing or loss of transmission. Using the SWIR goes even further beneath the surface to see damage and defects in food and silicon wafer inspection, among other applications. Resolv4K Fixed System The new Resolv4K Fixed system is ideal for fixed field of view applications with closer working distances. The Resolv4K Fixed lens offers higher magnification and resolving power than standard enlarging or SLR lenses in macro mode.
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