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German laser manufacturers combine technologies

17 Jun 2002

LASOS Laser-Fertigung GmbH of Jena, Germany has acquired another German laser company, BremLas Lasertechnik Bremen GmbH, to broaden the range of lasers that it offers.

BremLas of Bremen was founded five years ago and has about 15 employees. Rainer Henking of BremLas said that the acquisition is good because it provides more money and personnel to market products to industrial customers.

BremLas makes diode-pumped solid-state lasers. LASOS's expertise lies in the more traditional gas laser technology. Henking said that the availability of both types of laser for the same markets will improve the service offered by the company and make marketing more easy. The combined company, which will be called LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH, will also look to expand its international customer base. LASOS has predominantly operated in Europe but BremLas already has some established US customers.

Gas lasers have been in production for about 20 years. They have been well researched and are produced in large quantities. Solid-state lasers are a much newer technology and are currently more expensive than gas lasers. However, these lasers are smaller and more compact, and they have a longer lifetime than gas lasers. They also use less power and generate less unwanted heat.

The purchase of BremLas has led to some redundancies, particularly from the smaller company. Henking said that the combined company will have about 50 employees following the reorganization. He added that LASOS will probably recruit more people within about a year once the new company has generated revenue.

LASOS Lasertechnik GmbH's products target photofinishing, computer-to-plate and biomedical analysis applications.


AlluxaCHROMA TECHNOLOGY CORP.Iridian Spectral TechnologiesLaCroix Precision OpticsHÜBNER PhotonicsOmicron-Laserage Laserprodukte GmbHHyperion Optics
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