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Contents: January 2002 edition

17 Jun 2002

A passion for politics and a head for business

Lothar Späth is a politician, author and talk-show host. He is also chairman of Jenoptik, one of Germany's largest optics firms. He talks to Nadya Anscombe about how he saved the company from certain ruin.

Accessing another dimension

Swedish company Optilink claims to have developed a unique portable holographic data-storage system. The technology will give the consumer gigabytes of storage capacity on a smart card. Nadya Anscombe reports.

Mirrors ring the changes in spectroscopic analysis

The first portable systems based on cavity ring-down spectroscopy will come to market this year. Vanessa Spedding talks to the pioneers of the technique and finds out its advantages over standard laser spectroscopy methods.

Hot topics: we interview the researchers at the forefront of 10 technology fields to find out what developments to expect in the next 12 months.
Market forecast: chief executives from 10 optics companies write about the market trends that they predict for the European photonics industry in 2002.

A sneak preview of highlights and news from Photonics West - one of the world's largest photonics events. Find out about new products, event highlights, the top papers and technology news. News This month
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Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, So-Mui Cheung by e-mail on somui.cheung@iop.org

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