17 Jun 2002
Spectra-Physics rides out the telecoms storm
Spectra-Physics's president and chief executive Patrick Edsell speaks to Michael Hatcher about a year of two halves at the pioneering laser company, which is now celebrating 40 years in the industry.
Crystal Fibre: the fibre of the future?
Danish start-up company Crystal Fibre believes that its technology will revolutionize the telecommunications industry. Nadya Anscombe visits the firm to find out about its products and plans for the future.
Ceramic YAGs set to challenge single crystals
Making YAG crystals is no easy business. Now, scientists in Japan say that they can mass-produce polycrystalline ceramic rods that have a high efficiency conversion and good optical characteristics. Michael Hatcher reports.
Advances in the repetition rate and pulse energy of high-power lasers mean that these sources can now be used to enhance the performance of materials such as steel. Rob van den Berg finds out more.
Tunable-lasers market grows despite slump
The telecoms industry may be floundering in the current economic downturn, but players in the tunable-lasers market are making bold statements about growth. Rebecca Pool talks to industry experts to find out why.
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