13 Jul 2005
CVI Laser's extensive optics and coatings catalogue contains 200,000 unique part numbers. Jacqueline Hewett asks the company's chief executive officer Stuart Schoenmann about its current acquisition strategy and aggressive expansion plans.
Ion beams enhance optoelectronic durability
A Swedish start-up has found an ingenious way to protect the surface of semiconductors and glass. Its Nitrel treatment could boost the performance of laser diodes, photodetectors and optical crystals, reports Oliver Graydon.
Supercontinuum source boxed up and ready to go
Push-button-operated supercontinuum sources that combine ultrafast laser pulses with microstructured fibre were a big hit at LASER 2005. World of Photonics in June in Germany. James Tyrrell talks booth-side with developers Fianium and Koheras.
Modelocked fibre lasers aid short pulse creation
Are you looking for a source of femtosecond pulses? Jan Posthumus explains why fibre lasers are a convenient, easy-to-use answer, with the added benefit of being tunable.
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