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Patent highlights

01 Jul 2004

The pick of this week's patent applications including a light-emitting bandage that is said to accelerate wound healing.

•  Title: Phototherapy bandage
Applicant: University of Florida, US
International application number: WO 2004/052238
The inventors of the light-emitting bandage described in patent application WO 2004/052238 believe it could accelerate wound healing and provide pain relief as well as prove useful for photodynamic therapy and aesthetic applications. The bandage contains an electroluminescent light source, such as a luminescent polymer, that emits both visible and near-infrared light. Advantages of the bandage are said to be that it is flexible, portable, battery-operated and can produce a uniform emission without use of diffusers.

•  Title: Multipurpose diode laser system for ophthalmic laser treatments
Applicant: Ceramoptec Industries, Inc, US
International patent application: WO 2004/053533
Ceramoptec of the US is trying to patent a laser which it says can provide photocoagulation treatment for a wide variety of ophthalmic conditions such as glaucoma and age-related macular degeneration. The source is either a single diode laser or a diode laser array emitting red light in the range 654 to 681 nm. "The invention is useful for a number of ophthalmic indications that previously would have required different wavelengths and thus numerous laser devices or much more complex multi-laser systems," claim the authors.

•  Title: Optical recording medium based on a tellurium and zinc alloy
Applicant: Cammissariat a l'Energie Atomique, France
International application number: WO 2004/053858
An optical recording medium containing an active layer of inorganic material is the subject of patent application WO 2004/053858. The inorganic material is an alloy made up of 65% zinc and 35% tellurium by atomic percentage. The authors add that the medium can comprise a semi-reflecting layer on the top face of the active layer as well as an additional metal layer or a protective polymer layer on the bottom face. "Writing powers, mark resolution and storage density corresponding to DVD format specifications can be achieved," claim the authors.

•  Title: Color OLED display having repeated patterns of colored light emitting elements
Applicant: Eastman Kodak Company, US
International application number: WO 2004/053827
The OLED display described in patent application WO 2004/053827 uses various sizes of light-emitting elements. The areas of the elements are tailored to suit the eye's response to different wavelengths and also take into account the efficiency of the light-emitting material. The authors say that light-emitting elements made with higher-efficiency materials can be made smaller than elements with lower efficiency materials while producing the same light output. As a result, the blue emitting elements have the largest area, followed by green and then red. The inventors say that this configuration simultaneously increases the lifetime, power efficiency and apparent resolution of an OLED display device.

Jacqueline Hewett is technology editor on Optics.org and Opto & Laser Europe magazine.

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