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Contents: January 2003 edition

07 Jan 2003

Medical laser specialist seeks new applications

Increasing competition and tough economic conditions hit sales of medical laser systems in 2002. Yacha Sutton, chief executive of Lumenis, tells Jacqueline Hewett that new application areas are the key to restoring growth.

Financing photonics: the venture capital view

The optical communications market may be on its knees, but there is still an argument for investing in the sector. Vivek Tandon of Viventures shares his thoughts on where this year's best investment opportunities lie.

Fibre sources target automotive industry

Advances in the reliability of laser diodes mean that IPG Photonics's fibre lasers now offer a real alternative to solid-state and carbon dioxide lasers for industrial materials processing. Michael Hatcher finds out more.

Beam analysers offer healthcheck for lasers

Our new series of buyer's guides takes an in-depth look at a different piece of technical equipment each issue. This month Oliver Graydon delves into beam analysers. Next month we'll be dedicating the guide to CCD cameras.

Photonics West 2003

This year we kick off our series of show guides with a sneak preview of the plenary speakers and hot topics not to be missed at Photonics West. News This Month
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Obtaining back issues: Hard copies of earlier issues of Opto & Laser Europe can normally be obtained by contacting our Circulation/Marketing Manager, Evie Forbes, by email on evie.forbes@iop.org

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