Providing true HD quality images, the Model 390 lens offers a wide field of view and is proven in high radiation nuclear applications including monitoring of hot cells, belt lines and close inspection of baffle bolts.
Resolve Optics sales manager – Rob Watkinson commented “While the Model 390 lens is great for close-up, space limited applications in a high radiation environment it does not compromise on performance. Incorporating specially selected cerium doped glass elements - the Model 390 can capture clear, sharp high-definition images free of the yellow tint inherent in older non browning lenses, with minimum geometric distortion from 400 to 770nm”.
For further information on the Model 390 please visit or contact Resolve Optics on +44-1494-777100 /
For over 20 years, Resolve Optics has developed a customer centric approach to specialist lens design, development, and supply. The company prides itself on nearly three decades of quickly translating each customer need into an optimised optical design, running projects successfully, and manufacturing production quantities of lenses or optical products on time, to the specified quality and target price.