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DLC Coatings For IR Optics From EMF

05 May 2023

EMF’s Diamond-Like Carbon (DLC) Coatings are designed to offer an amorphous, nano-composite carbon material, similar to a natural diamond with high IR transmission, a very high hardness factor and high abrasion resistance. Developed for use with external optics that require both AR coatings and function in the harshest environments.

With our superior, ultra-reliable coating available at a competitive price, the DLC coating is ideal for terrestrial thermal imaging, airborne reconnaissance systems, and portable IR emissions sensing devices—any place an IR optic will be used outdoors. Optic longevity is increased for extended field use or when the budget demands a low total cost of ownership.

Our custom-designed PE-CVD coater is built to deposit in a way that eliminates pinhole issues, improving reliability, reducing failure rates and obtaining better performance from high-end optics. Our repeatability of ±1% over a tooling diameter of 360 mm may be applied to most IR materials, including Silicon, ZnSe, ZnS, Chalcogenides and Germanium. EMF has successfully coated thousands of chalcogenide optics for demanding commercial and military applications.

To discuss your upcoming IR optic project with us, websales@emf-corp.com

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