21 Feb 2023 The LDP-V 50-100 from PicoLAS is a compact OEM module with 3-50A output current and <4ns rise time, for driving pulsed last diode modules. Applications include LiDAR, measurement, ignition, range finding and biochemistry. Only a single 15-24V DC supply and triggering signal are required for operation. Compatible laser diode packages are TO-18, TO-5, TO-52, 5.6mm, 9mm and similar. Features include pulse width control via SMC trigger input (8ns - 10µs) and repetition rates from single shot to 2MHz. Optional accessories are the PLCS-21 control unit and interface for short pulse drivers, the PLB-21 universal platform, the LDP-V BOB breakout board and the LDP-V kit which includes a wall power supply and can be directly attached on top of the driver.
For further information Driver Modules and Electronics for the Operation of Pulsed Laser Diodes - Laser Diode Accessories (lasercomponents.com) |