30 Jun 2022 Name: Optical glass N-BK7(K9) Inclined Plane Wedge prism for precision optical elements
Products information
fused silica,N-BK7,CaF2,Borofloat,sapphire
Thickness tolerance:
Surafce accuracy:
1/4, 1/2 Lambda (as required)
Surface quality:
60/40,40/20 (as required)
Uncoated or Coated (as requried)
Clear Aperture
as per your request
angle tolerence
--Wedge prisms can be used individually to deviate a laser beam a set angle, or two wedge prisms can be used together for beam steering applications. --A single wedge prism's ability to deviate the angle of an incident beam is measured in Diopters with diopter deviating the beam 1cm at a 1m working distance. --Two wedge prisms can be used as an anamorphic pair for beam shaping (to correct the elliptical shape of diode outputs) --The wedge prism is a prism with a shallow angle between its input and output surfaces. This angle is usually 3 degrees or less. Refraction at the surfaces causes the prism to deflect light by a fixed angle. When viewing a scene through such a prism, objects will appear to be offset by an amount that varies with their distance from the prism