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New TW level femtosecond laser system

19 Mar 2020

A new, high energy femtosecond laser system is available from EKSPLA. The UltraFlux FF/FT 5000 laser is a 2 TW tabletop femtosecond OPCPA (Optical Parametric Chirped Pulse Amplification) based system operating at up to 1 kHz. Originally built for ELIā€‘ALPS (Extreme Light Infrastructure – Attosecond Light Pulse Source) in Hungary, this laser is now available for various other applications.

Featuring hands free 750-960 nm tunable wavelength output, up to 1 kHz repetition rate, 10-20 fs pulse duration and 50 mJ pulse energy laser is excellent choice for wide variety of applications: broadband CARS and SFG, femtosecond pump-probe spectroscopy, nonlinear spectroscopy, high harmonic generation, particle acceleration in plasma and plasma reaserch.

By using second, third and fourth harmonic modules tuning wavelength can be extended down to 210 nm.

One of the exceptional system feature is our patent pending (EP2827461A2) fiber oscillatord. All-in-fiber Yb fiber picosecond laser seed source with two fiber outputs - one seeds OPCPA Front-End and another seeds Picosecond Pump Laser (PPL). Both outputs originate from the same fiber oscillator so they are optically synchronized with jitter close to zero. This approach eliminates the need for a complex temporal synchronization system typically present in other OPCPA or Ti:Sapphire systems.

The built-in Output Diagnostics system ensures reliable, turn-key operation by monitoring critical parameters such as energy, duration, and beam profile.

For full system description and specifications visit high energy femtosecond laser system UltraFlux FF/FT 5000 product page.

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