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Koheras HARMONIK high-power frequency-doubled laser system for quantum physics

16 Aug 2019

The new Koheras HARMONIK fiber laser system gives you up to 7 W output at 775-780 nm with a unique combination of low noise, sub-kHz linewidth, and excellent beam quality. It’s alignment-free with optional fiber delivery.

The Koheras HARMONIK system consists of our popular low-noise Koheras fiber laser platform, Koheras BOOSTIK HP, in combination with the new frequency converter module, HARMONIK which can deliver high power via free-space or via our high-power single-mode crystal fiber, the aeroGUIDE.

Application areas

We have designed the HARMONIK for atom interferometry, quantum computing and sensing, laser cooling and trapping, and OPO pumping. The laser system is built for integration into quantum system application areas such as atomic clocks, gradient gravimeters, instrument accelerometers, and rotation sensors.

Having a fiber-deliverable high-power source at 780 nm allows for multipurpose functionality. For example, in the case of quantum gravity gradiometer, it is now possible to cool your atoms and conduct atom interferometry with just one source and still allow you to trap more atoms than any other systems in the market.  

Narrow linewidth and ultra-low noise

The HARMONIK has the market’s narrowest linewidth at 780 nm and offers an ultra-low phase noise and low RIN.

Fast wavelength modulation

The system is equipped with easy and user-friendly fast wavelength modulation. Use this feature to lock the laser to an external stable reference — such as an atomic transition line or interferometer — to obtain even higher wavelength stability than provided by a free-running laser.

The HARMONIK systems offer a 15 GHz mode hop-free tuning range with a 10% power change.

Thermal tuning

As with any other Koheras fiber lasers, the HARMONIK system is equipped with thermoelectric temperature controllers (TECs). The TECs stabilize the operation of the laser and makes it insensitive to environmental temperature fluctuations. The TECs also make it possible to tune the center wavelength by changing the operating temperature of the laser. At standard room temperature (around 20-30°C or 68-86°F) the laser can be thermally tuned to an industry-leading 1000 pm.

Free-space or fiber output

As a default, the HARMONIK systems come with free-space output. If fiber coupling is needed, we can propose an efficient coupling via our unique polarization-maintaining single-mode photonic crystal fiber, the aeroGUIDE, that ensures high-power delivery.

Robust and maintenance-free

With a HARMONIK system, you get a robust, maintenance-free, and mobile system that can be easily integrated into portable systems. The BOOSTIK HP system is delivered in a turn-key 19″ rack system and the HARMONIK as a tabletop module.

For more information click here.

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