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Product Announcement

LBO crystals

31 May 2016

Crysmit offers
       • Maximum processing size 30x30x30 mm3
       • Maximum processing Length 60mm
       • A large quantity of crystal in stock,competitive price 
       •Non-critical phase matching(Theta=90°, Phi=0°) 
       • Fast delivery(10 days for polish only, 15 days for AR-coated)


Main Features:
• Broad transparency range from 160nm in UV to 2600nm in IR;
• Relatively large effective SHG coefficient (about three times that of KDP);
• High effective non-linear coefficient ,wide acceptance angle and small walk-off;
• High damage threshold (>10GW/cm2 for 1064nm, 20ns, 50Hz);
• Type I and type II non-critical phase matching (NCPM) in a wide wavelength range;
• High optical homogeneity (dn~10-6/cm) and being free of inclusion;
• Spectral NCPM near 1300nm;
• Absorption: <30ppm/cm @1064nm <50ppm/cm for high power laser application.
Typical Applications :
• SHG and THG for middle and high power Nd: lasers at 1064nm for medical, industrial and military applications;
• SHG for Ti:Sapphire, Alexandrite and Cr:LiSAF lasers;
• The VUV output at 187.7 nm is obtained by sum-frequency generation;
• SHG and THG of high power Nd: lasers at 1342nm & 1319nm for red and blue laser;
• SHG for the Nd: Lasers at 914nm & 946nm for blue laser;
• NCPM SHG over a broad wavelength range from 900nm-1700nm was measured;
• Phase matching process: SHG-554 nm fundamental, THG-794 nm, SFM-down to 160 nm;
• Optical Parametric Amplifiers (OPA) and Oscillators (OPO) application.
Physical and Chemical Properties:
Crystal Structure  
Orthorhombic, Space group Pna21, Point group mm2
Lattice Parameters
a=8.4473Å, b=7.3788Å, c=5.1395Å, Z=2
Melting Point
About  834 °C
Mohs Hardness
2.47 g/cm3
Hygroscopic Susceptibility
Thermal Conductivity
3.5 W/m/K
Thermal Expansion Coefficients
αx=10.8x10-5/K, αy= -8.8x10-5/K, αz=3.4x10-5/K
 Optical and Nonlinear Optical Properties:
Transparency Range
160 - 2600 nm
Phase Matching Range
551-2600nm for Type I, 790-2150nm for Type II
Thermo-Optic Coefficients (℃-1, λ in μm)
dnx/dT = - 9.3 x 10-6
dny/dT = -13.6 x 10-6
dnz/dT = (-6.3+2.1λ) x 10-6
Sellmeier Equations (λ in μm)
n2x= 2.4542+0.01125/(λ2-0.01135)-0.01388λ2
Non-Vanished Nonlinear   Susceptibilities
d31 = 1.05 ± 0.09 pm/V
d32 = -0.98 ± 0.09 pm/V
d33= 0.05 ± 0.006 pm/V
up to 30 x 30mm2
up to 50mm
Dimension Tolerance
(W ± 0.1mm) x (H ± 0.1mm) x (L + 0.2mm/-0.1mm)
Phase Matching Angle Tolerance
∆θ< ± 0.25°; ∆φ< ±0.25°
λ/10 @ 633nm
Wavefront Distortion
λ/10 @ 633nm
Surface Quality
10/5 Scratch/Dig
10 arc seconds
3 arc minutes
Clear Aperture
≥95% central area
Edge Bevel
0.15mm x 45°±5°
AR Coatings
R < 0.2% @ 1064nm, R < 0.5% @ 532nm
Damage Threshold of AR Coating
1 GW/cm2for 1064nm, 10ns pulse, 10Hz

Crysmit Photonics, Inc. 
No.5-14# FuMin, Yutanwei, Huangjiang
Tel: +86-591-13662984916
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