14 Apr 2016 Accu-Glass Products’ hermetically sealed, high and ultrahigh vacuum, fiber optic feedthroughs are offered in arrays of one, two, four and seven fiber configurations, where each fiber lead is fitted with an SMA 905 premium connector, and hermetically sealed, and welded into standard CF and ISO KF vacuum flange mounts for use in demanding HV and UHV applications. These feedthroughs are rated for temperatures between -269 to 250°C. Multimode, step-index fiber diameters of 100, 200, 400, 600, and 1000 microns are offered for UV/VIS and VIS/NIR service. Feedthroughs with graded index 62.5 micron fiber are also available. Cables, connectors, couplers, adapters, reflection probes, collimators, cuvettes, sample holders, bare and jacketed fibers, polishing supplies, tools and much more are also available, thus providing complete fiber optic connectivity solutions. We stock these feedthroughs, and a myriad of other vacuum components, at our manufacturing facility in Valencia, California.
Complete product information on Accu-Glass Products’ fiber optic feedthroughs is available on line. For more information on these and other Accu-Glass vacuum solutions please visit our website or feel free to contact us directly. |