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Product Announcement

M² HP Beam Analysis

10 Feb 2016

Duma Optronics has extended its line of Beam Profilers with the addition of High Power Laser Beam Analysis up to 10 kiloWatts.

Most available High Power Analyzers use water-cooled beam dumpers and are not capable of real time measurements of power and beam size at the laser’s focal point. The new introduced instrument will measure the profile, the BPP of laser beam and its M², providing real time results including power and position. A special add-on beam dump will dissipate the High Power Laser by a very special design based on air-cooling.

The system features a built-in beam profiler, a moving stage and a sophisticated beam sampler cooled by pressurized air line.

Measurements include:

Beam Product Parameter (BPP)

Beam Propagation (M²)

Beam Waist location (Zo)

Beam Waist diameter (Do)

Rayleigh range (Zr)

Depth of focus (DOF)

Divergence (Theta)

Beam power

Beam Profile along the scanned axis

Linking URL : www.duma.co.il

Duma Optronics Ltd
Oren Center
1st Hazait Street
P.O. Box 3370
Tel: +972-4-8200577
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