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Objective Positioners Adapted To Meet Your Needs For Industrial Applications

12 Nov 2015

piezosystem jena has extended the objective positioner series MIPOS with two new industry products.

Typically objective positioners are firmly mounted directly onto a microscope. Piezosystem also introduces two new systems, which can be screwed on a machine or rail.

MIPOS 140:

Most installed lens positioners require an undesired extension to the optical axis. The distance between the lens and the sample is shortened. This can lead to collisions between the optics and the examined sample.  Built with a very special design principle, the optical axis stays the same with the MIPOS 140. The position of the optical system remains unchanged after the installation and the focal point continues to be at the desired adjusted position. The MIPOS 140 OEM offers high-precision positioning accuracy for lenses with weights of up to 500 g. With an open loop travel range of 140 microns and 100 microns in closed loop operation, the MIPOS 140 reaches a resolution in the sub-nanometer range. The MIPOS can also be equipped with strain gauge, capacitive or alternative sensors for determining the position and correct for creep and hysteresis.  The MIPOS 140 OEM also can be mounted upright in any position, for wafer inspection machines or used in optical benches horizontally and laser systems.

piezosystem jena GmbH
Stockholmer Str. 12
Tel: +49364166880
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