10 Aug 2015 Brief description:
LiNbO3 Crystal is widely used as frequency doublers for wavelength > 1 mm and optical parametric oscillators (OPOs) pumped at 1064 nm as well as quasi-phase-matched (QPM) devices. Due to its large Electro-Optic (E-O) and Acousto-Optic (A-O) coefficient.
We provides high quality and large size LiNbO3 crystals for laser frequency doublers, OPOs and quasi-phase-matched doublers, as well as waveguide substrate and SAW wafers. High quality LiNbO 3; finished components with aperture of (2 - 15) x (2 - 15) mm2 and length up to 50 mm for frequency doublers and optical parametric oscillators (OPOs), 50x50x1 mm3 or Dia. 3" x 1 mm LiNbO3 substrate for waveguide optics, and Dia. 3" SAW wafers are available with high volume and at competitive price.
Crystal structure
Trigonal, space group R 3c
Cell Parameters
a = 0.515, c = 13.863, Z = 6
Melting Point
1255 +/-5℃
Curie point
1140 +/-5℃
Mohs hardness
4.64 g/cm 3
Absorption Coefficient
0.1%/cm @ 1064 nm
insoluble in H 2 O
Relative Dielectric Constant
e T11/e 0 : 85 e T33/e 0 : 29.5
Thermal Expansion Coefficients at 25℃
||a, 2.0 x 10 -6 /K @ 25℃ ||c, 2.2 x 10 -6 /K @ 25℃
Thermal Conductivity
38 W /m /K @ 25℃
Transparency Range
420 - 5200 nm
Refractive Indices
n e = 2.146, n o = 2.220 @ 1300 nm n e = 2.156, n o = 2.322 @ 1064 nm n e = 2.203, n o = 2.286 @ 632.8 m
Optical Homogeneity
5 x 10 -5 /cm
Sellmeier Equations
n o 2 ( l ) = 4.9048+0.11768/(l2- 0.04750) - 0.027169l2 n e 2 ( l) = 4.5820+0.099169/( l2 - 0.04443) - 0.021950 l2
NLO Coefficients
d 33 = 34.4 pm/V d 31 = d 15 = 5.95 pm/V d 22 = 3.07 pm/V
Electro-Optic Coefficients
g T 33 = 32 pm/V, g S 33 = 31 pm/V g T 31 = 10 pm/V, g S 31 = 8.6 pm/V g T 22 = 6.8 pm/V, g S 22 = 3.4 pm/V
Half-Wave Voltage, DC Electrical field ||z, light ^ z Electrical field ||x or y, light || z
3.03 K 4.02 KV
Damage Threshold
200 MW/cm 2 (10 ns)
Efficiency NLO Coefficients
d eff =5.7pm/V or~14.6xd 36 (KDP) for frequency doubling 1300 nm; d eff =5.3pm/V or~13.6xd 36 (KDP) for OPO pumped at 1300nm; d eff =17.6pm/V or~45xd 36 (KDP) for quasi-phase-matched structure