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Dual Crystal BBO Pockels Cells for ultrafast laser applications

17 Oct 2014

EKSMA Optics has developed Dual BBO Crystal Pockels Cells operating at up to MHz repetition rate for Q-switching or pulse picking applications with ultrafast lasers.

Our BBO Pockels cells features high and stable, non-drifting contrast ratio in operation at frequencies up to 1 MHz. Cells additionally are dumped for reduced piezoelectric ringing at resonance frequencies what assures reliability and long term operation of Pockels cells at high power laser irradiation.

Available laser wavelengths are broad band at 0.78-0.82 and 1.03-1.08 micron range. Standard crystal apertures are 3x3, 4x4, 2x3, 3x4 mm and crystal length 20 or 25 mm.

Our Pockels cells can be supplied in a set with OEM drivers and OEM power supplies.

We also manufacture other type Pockels cells:

  • DKDP Pockels cells for typical applications with high pulse energy, large beam diameter or flash lamp pumped lasers.
  • KTP Pockels cells for applications with high rep. rate DPSS lasers and suitable for power levels from mW up to 1-2 Watts.

Please let us know your particular laser application and we will do our best to offer custom specifications Pockels cells meeting your particular laser parameters and application requirements.

For more information, please visit www.eksmaoptics.com or email info@eksmaoptics.com.

EKSMA Optics
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