25 Apr 2012 Auburn, MA, – Piezo positioning systems market leader PI (Physik Instrumente) has released a new catalog on precision motion control products for microscopy.
Faster and Higher Precision with Piezo
The new catalog covers a variety of novel positioning stages and scanning systems for specimen as well as microscope objectives and the technology behind the products. Ultrasonic-ceramic motor drives with self-clamping properties, for example, provide better stability in long-term imaging applications than conventional motor-driven stages.
These motors are employed in low-profile, XY long travel microscope stages. If higher resolution is needed, the long-range positioners can be supplemented with XYZ piezo-flexure positioning stages capable of sub-nanometer resolution. This type of precision together with responsiveness on a millisecond scale is what bio-physicists need to advance the field of cell biology with single molecule microscopy techniques.
Digitally controlled piezo objective-lens positioning systems with autofocus capabilities provide more rapid step & settle compared to conventional analog control. This results in faster Z-stack image acquisition and higher 3D imaging quality. High speed piezo steering mirrors scan laser beams in two coplanar axes avoiding polarization rotation errors induced by stacked single axis mirrors as is the case with galvo scanners.
The precision positioning systems covered in the new catalog are often used in Super Resolution Microscopy (SRM) techniques such as these:
STORM Stochastic Optical Reconstruction Microscopy
PALM Photoactivated Localization Microscopy
STED Stimulated Emission Depletion
SIM Structured Illumination Microscope
The catalog can be downloaded at
About PI
PI is a leading manufacturer of precision motion control equipment, piezo systems, piezo motors and actuators for bio-nano-technology, semiconductor, medical engineering and photonics applications. PI has been developing and manufacturing standard & custom precision products with piezoceramic and electromagnetic drives for 4 decades. The company has been ISO 9001 certified since 1994 and provides innovative, high-quality solutions for OEM and research. PI is present worldwide with eight subsidiaries, R&D / engineering on 3 continents and total staff of 700+
For more information on PI please visit: www.physikinstrumente.com/en/index.php
PI USA designs and manufactures piezo products at the company’s US headquarters in Auburn, MA.
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Microscope Stage, Objective Fine Positioner, SR Microscopy, Z-Stack Imaging, Piezo Scanning Stage, Single Molecule Tracking, Optical Trapping, Piezo Nano-Positioning p>