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single lens

08 Apr 2012

Single lens: Plano-Convex lens, Bi-Convex lens, Plano-Concavelens, Bi-Concave lens, Positive Meniscus lens, Negative Meniscus lens

Plano-convex lenses is the most common type of lens element. It can be used to focus, collect and collimate light. It is also useful as a simple imaging lens where image quality requirement is not too critical. We also provide precision grade plano-convex lenses with tighter manufacturing tolerances. For higher quality image, we offer computer-optimized achromatic doublet lenses and multi-element digital imaging lenses.

Application: ●Optical Display Systems ●Projection Optics Systems ●Imaging Optics Systems ●Laser Measurement Systems

The Double Convex Lenses are manufactured with an identical convex surface on both sides of the lens. The Double Convex lenses have positive focal lengths and form both real and virtual images. We also provide precision grade Double Convex lenses with tighter manufacturing tolerances .Double-Convex Lenses are most suitable where the conjugates are on opposite sides of the lenses and the ratio of the distances is less than 5:1, e.g. as simple image relay components.

Application: ● Beam Expanders● Projrction Optics Systems● Optical Viewers● Optical Character Readers

Plano-concave glass lenses are manufactured with one concave surface and one plane surface. These lenses have negative focal length.

● Optical Display Systems● Projection Optical Systems● Imaging Optical Systems● Laser Measurement Systems

Double-Concave Lens, also named Bi-Concave Lens,Lenses have many application ranging from the simple collection of the scaning of laser beams to precise imaging and image transfer. Lenses are classified as single lenses, cylindrical lenses and achromatic lenses according to the different applications. Pantotek Technologies Inc. provides these lenses with the material of BK7, fused silica, sapphire and CaF2. Special focusing systems are able to be designed by engineers upon request.

●Beam Expander●Projection Optics System●Imaging Optics System●Optical Viewer●Optical Character Reader

The Positive Meniscus Lens can increase the NA of the system while only adding slightly to the total spherical aberrations.

● Camera Systems ● Projiection Optics Systems ● Imaging Optics Systems ● Laser Measurement Systems ● Optical View Finder

The Negative Meniscus Lens is used to increase the focal length of another lens while maintaining the angular resolution of the optical assembly. This lens shape is best used when one conjugate is relatively far from the lens.
● Camera Systems ● Projiection Optical Systems ● Imaging Optics Systems ● Laser Measurement Systems ● Optical View Finder

Rising Electro-Optics Ltd.
1F, Bldg 24, Jinshan Fuwan Industrial Park
Tel: 86-591-8334-9016
Fax: 86-591-8330-0646
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