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NIR (2.2µm) TE Cooled InGaAs Array Spectrometers

22 Feb 2012

NIR (2.2µm) TE Cooled InGaAs Array Spectrometers

The Sol™ 2.2 and Sol™ 2.2A NIR spectrometers from B&W Tek, Inc. are high performance linear InGaAs array spectrometers providing high throughput and large dynamic range with TE Cooling down to -15°C. These spectrometers are ideal for demanding applications in process monitoring, quality control, and materials identification.

Both models feature dozens of configurations between 900nm and 2200nm and spectral resolution as low as 3.5nm. Both spectrometers feature an SMA 905 fiber optic input, built-in 16 bit digitizer, and is USB 2.0 plug-and-play compatible. In addition, the Sol™ 2.2A features a built-in autozero function, automatically reducing dark current and dark non-uniformity, resulting in an increased signal-to-noise ratio.

For more information on B&W Tek’s NIR spectrometers please visithttp://bwtek.com/product/spectrometer/ingaasnirspectrometers.html

B&W Tek Inc.
19 Shea Way
United States
Tel: 001 302 368 7824
Fax: 001 302 368 7830
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