25 Nov 2011 Newport Corporation, a worldwide leader in lasers and photonics solutions that Make, Manage and Measure Light®, announces the new vacuum- compatible LTA series actuators and the URS50B rotation stage for research and industry. These products are compatible to 10 e-6 hPa (0.7 x 10e-7 torr) vacuum and are designed for integration in critical sample positioning or beam management processes in vacuum environments. These newly-designed vacuum stages feature a motor-mounted encoder that is extremely useful in detecting the stall of a stepper motor since the stage is not accessible when installed inside a vacuum chamber. The encoder also offers improved position repeatability, a critical factor in many research and commercial applications in vacuum environments.
The LTAHSPPV6 and the LTAHLPPV6 actuators are extensions of the popular and reliable LTA actuators (with non-rotating tips), and are rated at 10,000 hrs MTBF. Compatible with other vacuum-compatible manual stages, both actuators provide sub-micron minimum incremental motion (MIM) and uni-directional repeatability.
The compact URS50BPPV6 rotation stage complements Newport’s higher load capacity URS75BPPV6. The newer model is capable of 360 degrees continuous motion at 4 degrees per second, an MIM of 0.0015 degrees, and can accommodate 5kg loads. The 4-mounting hole locations enable top mounting and enhance the stage’s cantilevered load capacity. This stage is rated at 20,000 hrs MTBF.
The new vacuum-compatible products can be supplied with Newport’s motion controller products from the single-axis SMC100PP to the 8-axis XPS Universal Controller.
For more information about vacuum-compatible stages and actuators, please visit: www.newport.com/vacuum-PR07.