18 Mar 2011 The new OptiCentric® 3D provides an ideal solution for the complete opto-mechanical characterization of assembled optical systems. This new approach integrates different lens analysis technologies and provides a valuable tool for the evaluation of complex optical systems in R&D or routine quality inspection in production.
The two-in-one solution for the detailed investigation of assembled objective lenses combines the proven centering error measurement technology integrated in OptiCentric® with a low coherence interferometer called OptiSurf®, measuring the air gaps between lens surfaces and the center thickness of lenses within the optical system. The cross-interaction of both measurement systems allows the fast alignment of the lens system, and provides a significant increase of the overall measurement accuracy and detailed manufacturing quality information:
• centering errors of less 0.1 µm
• air spacing and centre thickness of less 1µm
The software has a two level user interface for complex analysis routines in R&D phase and an intuitive and user-friendly display for operators in the production environment.