26 Jan 2011 LASER COMPONENTS, a leading supplier of photonic components are pleased to introduce our high performance single photon counting modules; COUNT series. The COUNT modules are the latest edition to a wide range of products for the production, detection and manipulation of light ready for integration into medical systems. The single photon counting modules themselves are extremely sensitive with dark count rates as low as 10 photons per second and so in certain applications can present a compact solid-state alternatives to PMTs as they are; insensitive to magnetic fields, compact, robust, inexpensive, smaller operating voltages, very high QE and longer lifetimes. Examples of such systems are particle size measurement using Photon Correlation Spectroscopy, fluorescence analysis, confocal microscopy for cell analysis, retinal scanning for early detection of diabetes. Options for the COUNT modules are available such as fibre delivery, timing optimised for timing resolution, blue and red enhanced units where the spectral response is optimised for your system.
For more information visit our website at: http://www.lasercomponents.com/fileadmin/user_upload/home/Datasheets/lcp/count-series.pdf