25 Jan 2011 PULSEFINDER, from FEMTOLASER, is a pulse picker developed for the FEMTOSOURCE scientific XL range of high energy oscillators. It allows the picking of up to µJ pulse energy at MHz repetition rates.
The pulse picker provides a unique combination of high contrast and high throughput for sub-50 fs oscillator pulses. The system can be operated either stand alone or with computer control via USB interface.
The control unit implements various possibilities to manipulate the laser's repetition rate: divider, counting of pulses and pulse bursts, and combinations thereof. Rejected laser pulses are available at the secondary output.
For more information on this product, visit http://goo.gl/J0NTw , telephone +44(0)1582 766300 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +44(0)1582 766300 end_of_the_skype_highlighting or email sales@elliotscientific.com
The new 2011 FEMTOOPTICS catalogue is also now available from Elliot Scientific.