25 Aug 2010 The MBC-DG-BT is ideal for digital (telecom) applications and also for pulse applications. It can be used for analogue applications as well, but the low frequency dithering signal may be considered as unwanted in some analogue transmission cases.
The main features and improvements compared to the previous version:
it is a CONTINUOUSLY tunable bias controller. That means that one can lock the operating point at MIN, MAX, Quad+ and Quad- but also at ANY point of the MZ transfer function
It is very stable and allows for high extinction ratio
It has a low sensitivity and can lock even with a low optical power (-30 dBm)
It can use the internal modulator photodiode, or a photodiode external to the modulator
It can come with the PD/TAP option : a photodiode with a 5% PM tap coupler (if the modulator does not feature an internal PD, or for some low repetition rate pulse applications)