08 Jan 2009 The new Model 1201 uses a 7.5 digit design to enhance the performance of a 6.5 digit DMM. Users can now spend under $800.00 USD and receive a feature-filled DMM with 11 measurement and 8 math functions. Other important considerations are its noise immunity, USB with 2000 measurements and transfers/sec 10-channel scan option, temperature measurements for thermocouples and RTD's and USBTMC compliancy. The 6 1/2 digit 1201 DMM is designed with 7 1/2 digit techniques which provides more stability and accuracy over time. BNC is launching a new family of products for 2009 which includes this benchtop digital multimeter.
BNC Model 1201 is able to be used in virtually every laboratory ranging from cell biology, microbiology, neuroscience, electronic engineering, manufacturing, circuit testing, quality control and test & repair departments.