07 Jul 2006 Spectral Hyper Adapter Improves Optical Resolution of Ocean Optics Spectrometers. The Spectral Hyper Adapter from Spectral Applied Research turns Ocean Optics HR4000 Spectrometers into picometer-resolution wavelength meters for laser characterization Dunedin, Fla., July 2006 - The hyper adapter-spectrometer combination covers the 500-900 nm wavelength range and yields optical resolution of ~0.005 nm (FWHM) with an 1800-line grating and ~0.0035 nm (FWHM) with a 2400-line grating.
The Spectral Hyper Adapter (SHA-1) scans 100 positions of an etalon, so that the pixel optical resolution of the spectrometer is improved about 100X. The SHA-1 requires multiple scans in SpectraSuite Spectrometer Operating Software to complete its scan. At the end of this sequence SpectraSuite displays a high-resolution graph. With an 1800-line grating, optical resolution is ~0.005 nm FWHM (5 picometers); with a 2400-line grating, optical resolution is ~0.0035 nm FWHM (3.5 picometers).
The SHA-1 is typically combined with an Ocean Optics HR4000 Spectrometer to measure high-energy laser wavelengths, although it can be used to observe atomic emission lines as well. The SHA-1 plugs directly into the HR4000's 30-pin connector and connects to the HR4000's optical bench via a 50-µm optical fiber. Commands are transmitted via the USB port and data acquisition is synchronized with the HR4000. |