Date Announced: 31 Aug 2022
Somerville, MA, USA -- Axiom Optics, a U.S. distributor of high-end optical instrumentation, is pleased to announce a new partnership with Goyalab, a French company that designs and develops measurement tools for compact spectrometry applications.
Goyalab offers easy to use, compact, and affordable spectrometers that have a wide range of uses such as chemical analysis involving absorption, fluorescence, and reflection; gemology & jewelry; lighting & filter characterization and identification; traceability & authentication; education & research, and many more.
Axiom Optics currently distributes four Goyalab spectrometers including:
IndiGo: A handheld modular spectrometer that allows measurement of emission, absorption or transmission spectra from 380 nm to 780 nm with a standard resolution of 1.5 nm (FWHM).
IndiGo OEM: A benchtop version of the IndiGo.
IndiGo NIR: The near infrared model of the IndiGo with a wavelength range of 720 nm to 1050 nm.
GoSpectro: An award-winning revolutionary device that turns any smartphone or tablet into an ultra-compact and powerful handheld spectrometer. GoSpectro is sensitive over the entire visible range (400 nm - 750 nm) with a spectral resolution of less than 10 nm and a reproducibility of 1 nm.
The Goyalab spectrometers and accessories are now available for purchase at Axiom’s online store:
About Axiom Optics
Axiom Optics is a North American distributor of high-end optical instrumentation with a dedicated team of engineers providing technical expertise, sales & support. Our areas of expertise include advanced light microscopy products, scientific and industrial cameras, infrared cameras and solutions, solutions for laser beam diagnostics and spectroscopy, positioning and motion hexapods, wavefront sensors and adaptive optics. Since 2010, Axiom Optics’ mission has been to support researchers and engineers seeking solutions to the most important challenges of the 21st century including climate, energy, manufacturing, healthcare, space, defense, telecommunications, information and more.
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