299,792.458 km/sTo commemorate the anniversary of this important event each year, the European Photonics Industry Consortium (EPIC) launched the Day of Photonics, encouraging members of the Photonics ecosystem around the world to organize activities that encompass all kinds of demonstrations and discussions on the impact of photonics, a key enabling technology, on our day-to-day life.
In addition to conducting frontier research, ICFO is dedicated to training the next generation of scientists and technologists as well as providing knowledge and technology transfer, including Outreach, to all areas of society. Special days like the
Day of Photonics allow us to join the Photonics community in promoting awareness activities of all kinds.
Even in these uncertain times in which visits to ICFO and face-to-face meetings must be limited due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we will offer activities that will allow us to keep ICFO’s doors virtually open so that young people and adults can discover our institute and photonics.
Mark your calendar for two exciting Outreach events in the near future: