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OptoPolymer now part of Berghof Fluoroplastic Technology GmbH

Date Announced: 23 Jul 2020

Eningen, Germany -- Photonics, the science and technology of light, is one of the most important growth and future industries - and this positive trend will even strengthen in the coming years. It's not a miracle that the European Commission has already recognized photonics in 2009 as one of the five "Key Enabling Technologies" for the successful future of Europe - and promotes them accordingly.

Because among almost all of the currently from experts as "key topics of the future" identified topics, photonics plays a major, if not the most important role. Whether in the industry 4.0, on the surgery table or in autonomous vehicles: The data produced from devices based on photonics technologies are the key determinants that enable many companies all over the world to safely and efficiently utilize the huge potential of these key issues for the future. This is why development in these areas is gaining traction.

Expanding portfolio

Also at the Berghof Group's strategic planning for the future photonics plays a leading role. That is why Berghof Fluoroplastic Technology GmbH, one of meanwhile six subsidiaries of the company group has taken over the business activities of OptoPolymer on July 1st. In doing so, Berghof Fluoroplastics will expand its portfolio to include optical coatings with Barium sulfate.

OptoPolymer, founded in 2003, is successful with optical applications for numerous industrial operation areas. "Berghof Fluoroplastics Technology GmbH" has been manufacturer and one of the leading suppliers of high-performance optical materials based on Polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE). "With this strategically important reinforcement, we lend another boost to this strong growing area." Oliver Walter, CEO of Berghof Fluoroplastic Technology GmbH, looks ahead optimistically.

With this new addition, the Berghof Group is securing further valuable know-how and valuable contacts in the exciting photonics market of the future - in line with recently completed takeover of the company Gigahertz-Optik GmbH, which is specialized in measurement technology solutions for the optical radiation in the industry.

As it is the case with Gigahertz-Optik GmbH, founder and former owner Werner Sanftenberg and his wife Ursula, with their longtime experience, will remain at the Berghof Group as consultants until their transition to retirement.

The family-owned Berghof technology company, founded in 1966 and headquartered in Eningen, Germany, has been synonymous with intensive knowledge exchange across a variety of disciplines. This collaborative approach is expressed today in the idea of the ‟Innovation Hub‟, by which the staff live and breathe a workforce of nearly 400 professionals across nine business units. The Berghof Group serves numerous growing markets like photonics, water reuse and eMobility with plans for further growth in 2020 to reach sales revenues of about 65 million Euros.


Berghof Fluoroplastics
Harretstr. 1
72800 Eningen

Tel +49 7121 894-0


E-mail: ptfe@berghof.com

Web Site: www.berghof.com

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